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An Update on Content 

Hello everyone, less of an article today and more of an update regarding my content and what to expect moving forward. 

As some astute readers may have noticed my content has slowed down dramatically over the last month, and for that I apologize. Being entirely honest, I got severely burnt out due to the flurry of product releases, reveals, and subsequent content I released throughout the first two months of the year. Combined with a poor month of mental health in February, and I wasn’t up to the task of putting out content over the last month. 

One of the downsides of writing is the amount of effort it takes to convey, organize and then disseminate information in a cohesive manner, and while I could pump out soulless articles on the daily, ultimately this is just a hobby, and one that is very precious to me at that. When I write (or in the very technical sense, type) I want to be having fun, I want to let my passion show, which makes it difficult in situations where I am lacking in energy to muster much of either of these resources. Writing to me is a fun way to relax while also sharing some of my thoughts with others, something I am beyond thankful to be able to do. 

I know I always reiterate this, but I am truly thankful for everyone who reads what I write, I am thankful for everyone who has supported me, and I am thankful to anyone supporting me in the future. Because of the size of the UVS community I am thankful to personally know so many of the people supporting me, and while I cannot list everyone, know that I treasure all of the experiences, interactions, and memories I have had with all of y’all. 

Now, this sounds like it is leading up to something sad such as a departure, and while that is far from the case, though it does come with a “however”. My break from content has allowed me to not only get myself into a better place, but reflect on how and why I write, and my relation to games because of it. I will be returning to semi-regular content in the near future, and I have a few topics I’d like to cover that have been on the backburner (such as note-taking, improvement, and tournament readiness).  

The catch however? Recent events Have caused me to think long and hard about my relation to games in terms of content. I love UVS, and I want to share this love and passion with people. However, I was recently faced with a very real possibility of leaving the game, which would put my space as a writer for a niche card game in jeopardy. If I didn’t have a game to be passionate and write about, I wouldn’t have started writing, and having to come to terms with what I personally want out of my content has been something on my mind as of late. 

If I stepped away from UVS, how would that impact the topics I write about? Would I latch onto a new game to discuss and share about that? And what if no game caught my eye, would I stop entirely? These questions have honestly scared me, I love writing and I and I love sharing my passion, and I am terrified of losing it, not only the act of writing but the experiences with people I have been able to share through it. 

While I am still working through these questions personally, I have reached a temporary conclusion. I will obviously continue to write about UVS, though I would like to experiment more and branch out into different forms of writing and content. I am going to try and publish some creative writing I have been working on and see where that goes, and past that I may branch out into content involving non-UVS games and topics.  

In terms of UVS-related content I am currently brainstorming topics to cover, so don’t be surprised if I use UVS as a vessel to discuss vaguely related topics. Discussions on game theory and competitive concepts are still some of my favorite content to make, and that is something I will likely be gravitating more towards. I will still publish the occasional deck-tech, card review, and tournament summary; however, I feel like my time as a writer is better spent on concepts not covered by others within the community, especially given my slower pace of release due to, well, writing. 

This is all to say that I will be experimenting with my content in the very near future. I would appreciate any and all feedback on anything I publish, especially regarding my creative writing. It is only something that can be improved with experience and everyone needs to start somewhere. Eventually I’d hope that my creative endeavors result in a dedicated fan base as every aspiring writer wants, though that is wishful thinking for the future. 

I also wanted to bring something else to your attention, something incredibly important that has been neglected for far too long. My Guilty Gear Strive UVS fan set. With January being beyond busy for me followed by a severe burnout of all things UVS, work on it has stalled. I am glad to inform you that I have begun to chip away at it again! It is about 80% complete, and I will likely be releasing an update article when I am finished, so expect that eventually (sometime in the first half of this year)! 

Again, I am beyond thankful for everyone who has supported me, and I cannot wait to share what I have been cooking recently. Until next time <3 



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