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Have a Happy Strive-mas! Guilty Gear Set Tabletop Sim Workshop Release!

Merry Strive-mas to all! With my UVS fan set for Guilty Gear being around 75% complete, I figured now would be about time to release a table including all of the cards so that people can start toying around with them! With that, you can find the link for it here or by clicking the image below.

With this out in the wild, I wanted to once again go over the design tenants of this set and what to expect.

  • This is my UVS Fan set based on Guilty Gear Strive. The main set is comprised on 20 characters, each with 10 supporting cards to bring the total up to 220 cards. Additional characters, support for said characters, and miscellaneous cards, will also go into the backpage of the set, for an approximate total of 260~ish cards once I am finished.

  • This is a "What if I designed the game" set, and as such features a higher power-level and increased complexity. Offense has gotten stronger, but so has defense, and each character has a playstyle specific to them. A character's difficulty stat notes how complex they are, with 1-difficulty characters being easier while 6-difficulty characters are much more intensive.

  • Several new keywords have been introduced, as well as certain terms being keyworded as well for ease-of-use. Parry is a new defensive keyword that smooths out block strings, while Exert has utility in all game states with two different options. Burn, Burst, and Stuff are newly keyworded terms.

  • This is my first pass at this set, so cards will likely be unbalanced. If anything is too strong or weak I can adjust that in future releases. The goal is to have every card playable and generally in contention for a spot in your deck. The set is also unfinished so some symbols may be more strained for options based on what is completed.

I also wanted to mention a slight "rules" change that will be relevant for this set. As soon as an attack is passed, all abilities on it are live. This will matter for a few instances within the set, specifically with response layering, but it is befuddling as to why this is not the case in the main game given it creates many unintuitive rulings and timings. This will work within the context of this set, so if you notice a small interaction that by the current game doesn't work but feels like it should, this is why.

Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone who has given me support over the last few months. It has been a year for me, but with me finally putting myself out there I have been met with such warm thanks that it puts a genuine smile on my face whenever I interact with y'all. Thank you, and have a happy Strive-mas!


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